Biostimulants - Special Fertilizers

Unique Products that contain Plant Origin L-Amino Acids

* Uniquely Effective Products: Contain 16 to 18 L-amino acids of plant origin in balanced correlation, extracted from non-GMO plant origin raw materials. Thanks to the innovative hydrolysis methodology, the product contains free natural phytohormones IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) and IAA (indole-3-acetic acid), as a result of the breakdown of the inactive auxin conjugate with carboxyl groups, glycans, amino acids and peptides.
* ​Unique products with acid pH 3, offering a very high speed of action and effectiveness.
* Proteins catalyze the majority of the chemical reactions that occur in plant cells. Amino acids constitute the building blocks of proteins, and are necessary to all biological plant processes

1. Amino acid biostimulants with 16 Free L-amino acids

Amino16® is a particularly powerful and effective biostimulant. Its unique composition with 16 L-amino acids and peptides derived exclusively from non-genetically modified plant origin proteins, makes it necessary for all crops:  industrial & forage crops, outdoor and indoor/greenhouse production, arboriculture, vineyards, ornamental plants.
The dynamic reinforcement  of all crops
• Activates the natural defense mechanisms
• Stimulates the basic functions of metabolism
• Amazingly enhances fruit setting
• Effectively reduces the premature dropping of fruit
• Increases crop yield
• Improves quality
• Enhances the development of the root system by helping the plant to better utilize the nutrient elements
• Enhances the effectiveness of fertilizers
• Facilitates the action of crop protection agents
• Supports crops to overcome biotic and abiotic stress conditions (frost, drought, weed competition, high/low temperature, frequent temperature fluctuations, over fertilization, over application of pesticides)
• Improves the size, color, shelf life, appearance of fruits and vegetables

2. Combination of Amino16 and high-quality trace elements

Amino16® with B&Zn is the result of an excellent combination of Amino16® and high-quality trace elements of Boron and Zinc, elements with a valuable contribution to plant nutrition, absolutely necessary for better flowering and fruit setting in all crops (Industrial & Forage Crops, Arboriculture, Indoor & Outdoor Production etc). The Amino Acids of Amino16® contribute to the most efficient uptake of Boron and Zinc so as the plants overcome nutritional deficiencies, store B & Zn and achieve a desirable yield.

Amino16® with Si&Zn is the result of an excellent combination of Amino16® and high-quality trace elements of Silicon and Zinc, elements with a valuable contribution to plant nutrition, especially rice, cereals and tree crops. The effective absorption of Silicon and Zinc, catalyzed by the amino acids of Amino16®solution, strengthens the resistance of plants in adverse conditions, promotes the enzymatic activity, leads to a more effective fruit setting and contributes to the increase of the crop yield.

3. Combination of Amino16 with seaweed extracts and polysaccharides

Fruitfix is the result of a very successful combination of 16 L-amino acids of plant origin (Amino16®) and seaweed extract of species Ascophillum Nodosum. The application of such combination leads to an improved flowering & fertilization process, increased fruit setting, activation of natural defense mechanisms, recovery of plants after exposure to adverse biotic and abiotic conditions, efficient absorption of nutrient elements and increase the crop yield of all crops.

Granbrix is a particularly powerful and effective organic biostimulant. Its unique composition that combines 16 L-Amino acids exclusively of plant origin with seaweed extracts sp. Ascophillun Nodosum and polysaccharides, promotes optimum root establishment and first rapid growth of the vegetables. Its application accelerates the proper development of the root system and improves nutrients’ uptake. Contributes to the upgrade of the quality characteristics, as it increases the size, improves the color and taste of the fruits, as well as their relative sugar content. In addition, it contributes to the increase of the crop yield and post-harvest fruit conservation. It activates the natural defense mechanisms and imparts endurance to stress conditions caused by biotic & abiotic causes.

4. Organic Mixture of Amino16 and new technologies

Micro RS: Contains a combination of microorganisms that promote the healthy growth of plants and free amino acids of plant origin, produced with the high efficiency of HyD1+ technology of EVYP. Thanks to the high-tech Free-L / Total-AA correlation factor, the low molecular weight organic molecules enhance the intersystemic action and reaction time of the product. The product targets the mobilization of long-term immobilized macro & micro elements faster uptake.

NF Hyd1: NF Hyd1 is an innovative biostimulant of HyD1+ technology to increase plant frost resistance by shifting the critical low temperature range of cell tissues to lower values.

BMC Fixer: Organic Biostimulant of HyD3+ technology for the specific addressing of excessive heat & drought by plants. Through the natural osmolytes Betaine and Mannitol it reduces the respiration conditions of plants in periods of high temperatures & drought by providing energy to plants and enhancing the phenomenon of osmotic balance of cell membranes.

5. Premium biostimulants with enhanced cell activation Amino18

Amino Cell is a new generation, premium biostimulant with enhanced cell activation made of high-quality, plant-based raw materials, rich in proteins. Its innovative method of synthesis results in the production of a unique organic mixture with 18 free L-amino acids, IBA, IAA, betaines and a multitude of peptides, all vital in plant nutrition and growth.Accelerates metabolic processes _Contributes to better enzyme activity_Contributes to better photosynthesis _ Contributes to faster growth of the root system _ Contributes to better nutrient absorption

Amino Cell Si 3% is a new generation, premium biostimulant with enhanced cell activation. It is a unique organic mixture with 18 free L-amino acids and 3% Silicon. This combination results in a highly effective biostimulant that activates the plant’s defenses and contributes decisively to the treatment of acute stresses in all crops.Contains 3% Silicon _ Effectively treats nutritional deficiencies ­_ Helps the plant cope with stressful conditions _ Prevents tears and deformations on the wrists_ Leads to substantial increase in crop production

Amino Cell PK is a new generation, premium biostimulant with enhanced cell activation. It is a unique organic mixture with 18 free L-amino acids and high concentration in Phosphorus and Potassium. Its superior synthesis allows for Phosphorus to attach on the amino acids and to activate the plant's endogenous enzymes to produce plant hormones. Potassium results in better quality characteristics (size, color, taste) to the fruits. Contains phosphorylated amino acids _ Contains Potassium that regulates the opening and closing of the plant’s pores _ Combines in balance amino acids, post-translationally modified peptides of low weight (<1000 Da) and sterols _ No chlorine content

Amino Cell S is a new generation, premium biostimulant with enhanced cell activation. It is a unique organic mixture with 18 free L-amino acids and high concentration in Sulphur. Its superior synthesis allows for Sulfur to attach on the amino acids and to modify the flavanoid conjugates that have a regulatory role in plant growth. It is ideal for use in Sulfur demanding crops. Contains sulfated amino acids _ Helps plants cope with adverse environmental conditions such as water stress, soils rich in toxic metals, ultraviolet radiation and high intensity in light radiation _ No chlorinecontent

6. Insect attractant for the management of Bactrocera Oleae, Ceratitis Capitata and Rhagoletis Cerasi

Used for over 40 years by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food of Greece for the Bactrocera Oleae (Dacus Fly) Management Program Db100 has contributed to the improvement of the quality of the Greek olive oil. Its action and effectiveness is scientifically documented by a large number of studies by many research institutes and universities.  It is particularly soluble in water, it leaves no residue on the fruits and the leaves, it shows high selectivity, it is easy to use and it has great effectiveness.