Nursery Plants

We are taking pride in providing top-quality nursery plants nurtured with expertise.

Saplings are the foundation of a thriving ecosystem, and we offer a diverse selection of healthy and vigorous young trees ready to take root and flourish.

1. Explore our extensive collection of nursery plants, ranging from rootstocks to fruit trees sapling and everything in between.

Product Details:
Fruit trees (apples, pears, cherries, peach, nectarines, apricots)
Kiwi plants
Olive trees
Almond trees
Table grape varieties
Wine grape varieties

2. Health and Quality:

We prioritize the health and quality of all plants, ensuring they are grown in optimal conditions and free from pests and diseases. Each plant is meticulously cared for by experienced staff, from propagation to maturity, to ensure you receive robust and thriving specimens. With a view to promoting certified plant material, the company applies all provisions and technical regulations set by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, regarding the production and marketing of plant propagating material and in particular that of fruit trees and vine.

3. Expert Guidance:

Our knowledgeable staff is here to provide expert guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.