Protection Systems

ANTI-HAIL SYSTEM: consist of a tensile structure made of concrete posts that are connected to each other by wires and cables and kept under tension by the anchorages (anchors or cement plates) installed in the ground. Above this structure, a net fully covers the rows of fruit plants. The net is fixed film by film and is slightly larger than the rows, until achieving an inclined position aimed to confer the right amount of elasticity to bear stress from hail. Furthermore, between one film and the other, small openings allow hail stones to flow out.

ANTI-RAIN SYSTEM: consists of a tensile structure made of concrete posts that are connected to each other by wires and cables and kept under tension by the anchorages (anchors or cement plates) installed in the ground. The cover consists of an anti-rain film and, if needed, an anti-hail net, which are simultaneously opened to protect the plants against adverse weather conditions. 

SHADING NET SYSTEM: Shading system protects orchard cultivated with V-shape, vase or high trunk plants. System is realized with pre-stressed concrete piles, set at maximum 5mt above the ground and space 10mt along the row. They are connected both longitudinally and transversally with wires and cables that, adequately anchored along the border, grants its stability and safety

ANTI-INSECT SYSTEMS: The real “cancer” of orchards are insects such as the Drosophila Suzukii, the so-called “fruit fly”, that has laid siege to European orchards in the last few years striking different species of fruit and Carpocapsa, a little butterfly or moth, lethal for apple trees, which is pink larvae with brown head penetrate fruit while still green, digging out tunnels until reaching the seeds. Another dangerous insect, the Asian stink bug coming from Asia. We have probably already bumped into this bug without distinguishing it from homegrown species; albeit smaller, it reproduces with alacrity and risks becoming a threat to coming harvests.