Supporting Systems

Farming systems used: Pergola and Tendone 
Pergola: Easier cultural practices (harvest, pruning, etc). Fruit is less susceptible to wind damage. Once the full canopy is established in a pergola, the shade reduces weed growth. Higher crop production, better income for farmer. Anti-hail system easy to be installed. Easy open & closure of net 
Tendone:  Heavier structure with stronger support to the plant. Strong cable and wire net. Low structure. The branches are tight up on the wires, reducing the risk of botrytis infection. Better suited to bee pollination. Less labor intensive 

Farming systems used: Spindel and Super Spindel
Spindel : Better utlization of land. Easier cultural practices (pruning, harvest, etc). Better fruit quality, higher income for the farmer
Super Spindel:  Better utilization of land. Easier cultural practices (pruning, harvest, maintenance). Better fruit quality, higher income for the farmer

Farming systems used: V-Shape and Super Spindel
V-Shape: Strong pile structure.Different brackets size available. Excellent sun exposure. Good control of plants vigor. Lower structure
Super Spindel:  Easy installation. Easy structure. Better sun exposure. Easier orchard management: harvest, pruning, maintenance. Narrower plants

Farming systems used: Spindel and Super Spindel
 Better utilization of land. Easier cultural practices (pruning, harvest, maintenance). Higher crop production of better quality fruits. Low labor cost
Super Spindel: Better utilization of land. Easier cultural practices (pruning, harvest, maintenance). Higher crop production of better quality fruits. Low labor cost

Table Grapes
Farming system: Espalier, Pergola & Free cordon
 Optimal system density (3,500 – 5,000 plants per hectare). Simple structure. Optimal foliage exposure. Good quality production. Good level of mechanization. Indicated for vines with low basal productivity
Pergola:  Cost-effective cultivation interventions, even manual ones. Excellent productivity. Optimal opportunity to apply integrated mechanization. Good product quality. Vertical harvesting
Free Cordon: Simple systems. Cost-effective structure. Total elimination of bindings. Good production quality.

Farming systems used: Spindel, Lyra, Multi-Shield
Spindel : 
Better utlization of land. Easier cultural practices (pruning, harvest, etc). Better fruit quality, higher income for the farmer
Lyra: Farming system used mainly for berries plantation, with piles spaced 5 meters apart with a “cage” of brackets installed on it. Bracket purpose is to contain plant vegetation, that will otherwise grow too much, preventing a rational management of the orchard.

Safety structure, using very light and agile nets. A shelter from the wind and hail. Beyond protection from weather hazards, net houses for bananas provide better growth conditions of seedlings after planting. Structure includes the trellis and a support system for growth of the banana plants. Better utilization of land. Easier cultural practices. Protection from insects. Water saving by preventing evaporization. Higher crop production of better quality fruits. Low labor cost.

To cultivate citrus we need shadowing and wind-blocking structure able to eliminate “dryer” effect of the wind which, with it constant breeze, can dry flowers destroying therefore the cultivation. Our solution is to create a shadowing structure where cloth is substituted by a wind-blocking net in a neutral color, so to let the light pass, necessary to make fruits ripe.

Farming system: Espalier, Pergola & Free cordon
 Optimal system density (3,500 – 5,000 plants per hectare). Simple structure. Optimal foliage exposure. Good quality production. Good level of mechanization. Indicated for vines with low basal productivity
Pergola:  Cost-effective cultivation interventions, even manual ones. Excellent productivity. Optimal opportunity to apply integrated mechanization. Good product quality. Vertical harvesting
Free Cordon: Simple systems. Cost-effective structure. Total elimination of bindings. Good production quality.