
Rubista IPSEA 140: Early apricot variety with great aroma & color

  Main Characteristics:

  • Harvest period: 10 days after Primaya
  • Tree type: Semi spur
  • Flowering period: 5 days after Farbaly
  • Pollinators: Auto fertile
  • Productivity: High
  • Fruit size-shape: 2A elliptic
  • Brix: 15

Rootstock GF677 produced in aseptic environment, absence of viral diseases, the genetic uniformity is totally guaranteed


  • Vigorous rootstock for stone fruits
  • High and consistent yield
  • Soil suitability in all types


BONUS soluble fertilizer series provides specific quality characteristics, giving solution at the difficult "problem" of specialized fertilization of crops.

  • High purity raw materials
  • Variety of formulas
  • High solubility
  • Low Chloride content
  • Trace Elements
  • Low pH
  • Convenient variety of packaging

BEST: Soluble NPK with low pH, amino acids, Fe EDDHMA, biostimulants-activators.

Better growth, higher production/ yields

  • The high solubility and purity of the raw materials, the increased availability of nutrients, the low pH, the iron in the form of EDDHMA, the absence of chlorine and diurea are some of the special features of the BEST series.
