
Self-Cleaning suction filter
Prefilters are installed when additional protection is required as well as to prevent scale build-up in suction lines and pumps.
Mounted on centrifugal pump inlet to protect against impeller damage and restricted flow/cavitation.
The filter is installed submerged in water. When pumping starts, the water flows through the screen while organic material and other floating elements are accumulated at the external surface of the screen which prevents their entry to the pump and irrigation system.

EPV Metal Screen Filter
Manual screen filter for in-line installation. Filtering element with stainless steel screen bonded to a perforated PVC cylinder.
Available in a wide range of sizes (up to 8"). Sturdy metal construction with handwheel making it easy to open.


  • NF HYD1 is an advanced biostimulant of Hyd1+ technology for the treatment of cold stress. According to the studies, this product hardens plants during the winter stages.
  • BMC fixer is an innovative Hyd3+ technology biostimulator which increases plant resistance to extreme heat and drought. It reduces the transpiration conditions of the plants, providing energy to the plants and enhancing the effect of the osmotic balancing of the cell membranes.

IoT Gateway
connects to the existing PLC setup and provides it with IoT and AI capabilities. Every sensor connected to the PLC is transformed into a fully-featured virtual IoT device without any modification.
What you get:
Real-time & remote monitoring/alerting
● Data visualisation (real-time & historical data)
● Predictive & Proactive Analytics
● Automated reports
