
Self-Cleaning suction filter
Prefilters are installed when additional protection is required as well as to prevent scale build-up in suction lines and pumps.
Mounted on centrifugal pump inlet to protect against impeller damage and restricted flow/cavitation.
The filter is installed submerged in water. When pumping starts, the water flows through the screen while organic material and other floating elements are accumulated at the external surface of the screen which prevents their entry to the pump and irrigation system.

VALENTE PALI: Innovative solution in systems and coverings against bad-weather conditions (hail, rain, sun, insects)

During EIMA 2021 exhibition we visited our partner Valente Pali in their headquarters in Pavoda, Italy.

The technical team demonstrated to us the new systems in the Demo fields.

Overall, we had an informative tour in their facilities and a very successful meeting regarding the upcoming projects.
